I can’t believe,,,


July 2nd, 2005
Current Mood: shocked
Current Music:blathering sports commentator – ‘Tour de Lance’
what a horrid job MTV did covering the Live 8 concert.
Uh, cutting away from Pink Floyd so the semi-useless ‘personalities’ can say “it’s Pink Floyd – together again – I never thought I’d see or hear this…” – uh. It’s actually happening NOW, so shut the fuck up!!!

but I can deal with that – ok. no I can’t.
But it pales in comparison to Damien, wrapping from the litter strewn ghost town that was the Philly show – with “I think it’s time for a cheesesteak”

Nice. 8 hours of coverage of the (I shudder as I type this word) extreme, DEADLY poverty in Africa, you know – raising the awareness of how someone dies every three seconds from hunger or preventable disease – and you give a shout out to the sammy of the town you’re in???

fucking incredible.

I’m so sad.
so ashamed.

crap – a bit more of my youthful innocence dies, and I blame fucking MTV!

