- June 21st, 2007
Got our laundry center moved and set up proper with the addition of a gas pipe to the corner. Then the fridge moved to block, and the Ikea chopping blocks along the wall to the left, scoot the stove just a smidge – and violio!!! Tackle adding the water line to the fridge for cool drinks and Ice, and … a kitchen (when combined with the found pieces of said stove) where we can actually start doing something. Weeeee!
Boo and I also tackled window dressings for the den – looks sharp – and the dining room – looks … cluttered – but it’s progress. and I like progress.
Mel and Michelle made it back to town, and we missed them!
Rocket missed them!
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Huh. just got myself a perm acct. here at LJ land… and all I’m jotting down is my life. Where’s the fire to drive myself to change the world? Where’s my cutting insight from 20 years as an adult? where’s my suggestions to succeed in an increasingly scary world? damn.
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Well, things mosey along – gonna jingle Wendy at CCS here when I post this, gonna continue ramping up my search for a gig, for a job, for a place to hang my hat and while away the time. If only I could capture all the crazy great ideas that make MickeyMatt imply I have a future in Marketing… maybe that’s what I’ll do with this account, eh?
“Are you having a good time // with your friends and French wine…” I hope you all are.