- October 25th, 2007
So it Ted Rall. “What’s the worst he can do – kill you?”
touché, sirs – touché.
Dilbert over the weekend – which I have taped to my monitor, express my current/recurring mood – “Furious Ball of Nothing/And I’m not wild about the font”
and so it’s thursday afternoon, I started writing a bit ago – perhaps the lead into NaNoWriMo. I’m trying to plan myself into december – it’s a bit of a challenge since I’m having a tough time with Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Weeeeeeee
Hope peeps are doing well – the the H&K – sorry to hear of your career changes, but I do hope you celebrated your anniversary with gusto – you two deserve to have lots of fun!
Mom’s doing well, the weather is turning fallish here today, and … well… we’re making our way through October, but frankly, it’s let us down a tad.