A cloudy night allows for seeing well…
- December 14th, 2007
thus were the comments as I applied to become ordained at the Universal Life Church … much like my fictional hero, Chris at KBHR, 58 AM Radio. You never know when your friends are gonna need to get married, eh?
The serious silly season is upon us … I put up some pretty lights just last night (er, actually Wednesday night – Boo had M. and V. over for chicken divan – soooo tasty – and then they watched TinMan and did crafts!!! – I did holiday lights about the house!), got a car for a trip to the frozen north come a week or so from now, and it just may dip into the 50’s and stay there soon.
Perhaps the annual Geminid meteor shower is what caused the birds to freak out today – not sure, but was spectacular.
off to sleep…
only to awake to a beautiful sunrise … colors galore … some clouds to give it texture, and a coolness that’s nice (ran the trash out – yay – it’s like a race to see who gets there first – I win today!!!)
10 years later … wow. Alex, my friend – thanks so much. definitely a lifetime or three has past, but – wow. Goldie. Blood for the PNW effect … the oregon beach where I first said ‘hey there’ to the emotional heat sink that is the Pacific (a girl name Mary has my Maryland plate…). Baily was as gracious as ever. Down the coast, down down down … and rolling the 101 as it becomes the 134 near burbank – actually eagle rock and seeing to my right the lights of the big city. Perhaps I shall start recalling that point of my life. Perhaps not. So much to see in the here and now, eh?
Cookies were created yesterday that are fabulous! Just delicious! alas, I was a bit broken, but the pain has receded and now, with Boo’s permission, I just may have a breakfast of chocolate bliss!
“Keep Calm and Carry On”
“Men and Women of EnglandAmerica, how long shall these things be?”