The people want…. words!
- January 13th, 2008
I had a wonderful day Saturday – chatted up MickeyMatt who’s having a great week. I like hearing that, and it certainly could be heard in his voice – here’s to his awesome 2008 getting started right away!
Headed over for a game night at L & K’s – Viv picked me up cause Boo was out for a Dresden Doll’s gig at the Carolina Theater… but I had just as good a time! We played Killer Bunnies and a game like Taboo, but not – it slips my memory what the name is. Fun, though, and they have two pups who are awesome!
Got to see a few movies over the past few weeks – saw Sweeny Todd at Northgate with Viv; caught I Am Legend solo, also at Northgate. Watched Children of Men on HBO, the last 45 mins of Death Race 2000 (there’s a remake coming… Death Race 3000!)
Sweeny was good – but dark, and broody, and not really a feel good hit of the winter.
Legend had a great moment where Will Smith speaks highly of Bob Marley’s philosophy; from the IMDB entry:
Neville: [talking to Anna about Bob Marley] He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate… literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people’s lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why – He said, “The people, who were trying to make this world worse… are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness.
Children of Men got me to ponder what is so important to me that I’d do anything – ANYTHING – to pursue it. In the movie, the hope of mankind rested in the hands of people who either had hard choices to make and made them, or people who stepped out of their life to make sure the future had a chance… all very cool, and the movie had some very good cinematography – still, again, not a feel good hit of the winter!
Nearly finalized the paperwork on some new wheels that Pops K. got at auction down in the FLA. I’ll have to run down and grab it, and might end up putting it to the test with a 24 hr drive right after – we’ll see. I suspect I’ll stop along the way – have too, right? Just have to get it registered with the North Carolina authorities, and I’ll be on the road in a week or so!
Work about our Hobbit House continues – rearranged the bookcases on the suggestion of a friend during the great pasta and painting extravaganza last Friday. We are really happy with the new color, and the furniture is just great in there. All I have to do is get to cleaning and putting away all the dishes! When I get the divan out from the den, we’ll finally have most of the furniture where we want it (not completely set on the back porch… but we’ll see)
wow – not really a most complete post, but some bits and pieces…
“Keep Calm and Carry On”