One Ring…


March 1st, 2008

Current Mood:
happy Crazy happy

Current Music:
Cream – Sunshine Of Your Love

” One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them …”

ok. That’s a tad dramatic, eh?
But the reason I’m dramatic is … I’m married again!!!! Hand in unlovable hand!!!

See, thought I lost my wedding ring while I was in Upstate in January … made me very very sad. Looked everywhere I could, presumed I had lost it when I handled two duffle bags at once in my one hand, or maybe into a glove – just didn’t know. Thought about my little tool bag in the way back of the Outlander, but hadn’t gotten around to looking in there – presumed since I had reached in there only once on my trip, what are the chances it’s in there? Well, apparently 100%!!!

Also, it was a lovely day out – Boo and I headed over to the Farmer’s market with Brendan, then grabbed a bite at Tyler’s, walked the AmBacco Campus a bit. Got back home and boo got Artsy on a bowling pin!!!
Yay Pin Projekt!! – though that’s a site from a few years ago, the point is the same – go crazy with mad artz skillz on a pin!!! Weeeeeee!!!!

CIMG6694 :: CIMG6707

so, we spent some time out on the back deck and it was wonderful.

Hope your Saturday was just as wonderful!


dona nobis pacem

“Keep Calm and Carry On”

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2008-03-02 06:46 pm (local)  Delete Spam Screen Freeze Track This
Why do I hear the “Love Boat” song in my head?

Yay for new rings…

That bowling pin is telling me that it wants to be a lamp.