John Darnielle is a god… so I must be near heaven!
Current Mood: happy
So, we have this cool space called Bull City Headquarters – BCHQ for short.
They held a benefit today – The Eye Opener: A Celebration of Trans-Continental Awareness – to raise awareness and funds, as they say… “The goal of this project is to create trans-gender awareness, working across continents with the Hijra population in India.”

Kyle, Bowzer & Phil!
Looking towards the back of the space!
So it was a big day, and the ‘crew’ showed up at 10’sh to help set up for the day. Yay! I made my escape – –
over near our Farmer’s Market was an airstream doing cafe duty!
I puttered about the house until Boo called me to meet them at the Palace … oops – Mel’s off tonight – let’s do something fun. How about a baseball game? Team USA vs. Team Canada as warm ups for the Olympics. yes – those Olympics. In China. Whoa….
the ball game, the ball park & an amazing sunset!
catching the Canadian pitcher warming up.
Then when the game was over, Fireworks!!! Yay!!!
Then to the house, where Boo fell asleep cause she headed out to CaryTown to check up on Meg, then a quick dip in the pool, and she (and Mel and Michelle and Z) was all tuckered out, but we still ended up at the Bull’s Stadium. Oh, and we hit Cosmic on the way home – yay!!!
So, back to John being a god. The day at BCHQ was filled with good music. John’s time slot was 12:30am!
And he played. He played and sang to fill the universe … and the small crowd loved it. And he knew it.
So. Yay. Damn … it really hit me today that I’m very very lucky to be here, to be here now. So to alls who helped – thanks. and to boo, hand in unlovable hand, our life is awesome!
Lets see if I can embed a YouTube link – it’s a snippet of john!