the sisters and I sit in the living room…
Current Mood: sad
we’re able to call and text and communicate … but we don’t say or tell things all that well …
Here’s what my sister Blood has written, and I think it’s great.
Hi Everyone –
This is not the email I wanted to be writing, nor one that any of you hoped to receive anytime soon…
Mom passed away just after midnight, with Shari and Scott by her side, along with the crew of angels who were on staff last night at St. Peter’s ICU.
As you know she’d been having a rough time of things recently, and last night she went into cardiac arrhythmia. Although she fought hard for several hours to push through, in the end she just couldn’t overcome this final challenge.
We’re incredibly sad, and know you are too, but we can all be proud of how she handled this final challenge in her life – with bravery, optimism, grace and good humor. She was giving those poor nurses (and us!) a heck of a time right to the end, even dropping the infamous ‘Jones look’ that so many of us were all too familiar with (I seemed to have inherited that particular family talent, for better or worse – probably because I spent so much time studying it during my adolescence)…
I’m already amazed at just how much I miss her, but despite my sadness, I know she’s in a better place and smiling down upon us all. I think I can speak for the entire family in this case, and tell you that your love, encouragement and prayers have made this difficult journey much easier to bear. We are indeed blessed in so many ways, and Mom felt the same way.
Tomorrow we will be working out the details for her calling hours and memorial service (they will be on the same day, calling hours followed by the service) – and I will be in touch again as soon as we have the information. It will be either Saturday or Sunday (25th or 26th) in the afternoon, probably from 1-5, at Dimbleby’s funeral home in Whitesboro.
The obit will run in the Utica OD, and I hope that you get this email before you read it in the paper – my apologies if I don’t get to you first but we only got back to Utica this evening and this has been my first opportunity to write.
Much love,
this sucks.
2008-11-04 06:27 pm (UTC)
I haven’t checked in with LJ in a very long time. I’m so sorry to see this, Scott. You and Alicia and your family are in our thoughts. If you need anything at all let us know. You’d be amazed at what you can get through the mail these days.
Thanks so much Holly…ttocsland
2008-11-08 10:35 pm (UTC)
we think of you two often and I swear I’ll drag boo up to see you guys soon.
I’m very lucky to have such good friends and family – I’m not sure how I would have made it thru otherwise…
you two be good to each other, and belated happy anniv!!