to make you smile…
Current Mood: happy
How about a kiss? go ahead and click, you’ll smile, I promise.
I will warn you that the collection that belongs to has the entire range of emotions that a kiss can encompass… but it’s a beautiful collection … I recommend you visit it!
So, this morning, heading into the kitchen to put the coffee on … a flittering sound.
Odd … until I notice the littlest baby chick bird caught between the panes of glass above the sink. Um …. ugh. whoa…
Just yesterday there was a lengthy discussion on how a toad gets into your laundry room. Bird in the kitchen? no earthly idea. My not really fast reflexes allowed me ample time to bumble around the kitchen until I found a tupperware container, and I lowered the window slowly – captured the birdie, and released out on the back porch. Imagine that – it took off straight to the shrubbery next to our driveway. Huh…
Toads, birdies and a sheepishly wandering blue – enough!!!
Oh, hi cricket in the sink. Really, what’s going on?
Enjoy the pics.
~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||