Hello 2017, you magnificent bastard!!
end of the year – end or beginning of the bridge? – ~12/16 @ Duke Gardens |
How the fuck are you?
I’m pretty good – had a wonderful gather with good friends and framily to celebrate the arrival of a new edition of this book called ‘life’ – think there’s gonna be a good amount of action and excitement to write about this year.
Could be wrong – I’ve been wrong before.
the dark side of the glass – ~12/16 @ RBIII & X.hurt, durhamtown |
It’s been an odd closure to the last year – soooo much to feel and deal with, yet I just kinda kept walking along. Some classic topics that I’m just not .. caring a lot about. Odd. Or good – we’ll have to see.
I took a bit of time yesterday morn, in the sun, on my stoop, Hali sunning herself. Wrote a list of things – 2016 … what will I remember? Had a good number of good things – and only thought of the trainwreck of democracy as I pondered strained familials. But impressed with the things I recalled, the things that stuck.
It’s part of my training to figure out what I need to pay attention to, what I need to hold on to, what I can see and let go of. Talk about a lesson sorely needed, and hard to intake. Sigh. Here’s to OTAD – one thing a day. Perhaps that’ll help.
some things will remain the same – ~12/16, HH, durhamtown |
I’ll still keep on trying.
I’m sure I’ll still feel overwhelmed.
I’m sure I’ll miss my framily and friends when the year swoops past in a flash.
I’m sure I’ll be utterly amazed and transfigured, and I hope – dear god I hope – to do it alright.
… and you? How’s your day/year/life going? I hope your list of good was easy and memorable.
“Keep Calm and Carry On” or “Keep Calm … and Cupcakes!”
//1:28pm + 1Jan2017 = Sunday afternoon || Marc Cogman’s “The Rest of My Life” //