Pondering fragile resiliance, even in November

miss ya dad
wishing I knew you better
oh – well, the 1:55p ‘last edited’ time stamp would be incorrect – I started – and the following words – were noted during good sir John Richard’s annual ‘Mom Show’ on keXp, so let’s say …
//9:01a+14Nov2019=Thurs | songs of joy and desolation, in service to death and grieving, on keXp//
“deflecting with humor, Lisa” – thanks Lisa. Thanks good sir John. Thanks all y’all at keXp.
Morgan and Owen – ‘Morgan – she rules!’ says Dr. Amy.
“we’re all tired and have lost our minds” on ‘when was your first rodeo?’ asked by ghostly Owen to Dr. Amy
“sing at the top of your lungs. and dance…” – Dr. Amy on how to live every day as if it were your last.
it’s now about 11:08p and I figure I should do my thing where I post a really not well thought out, nor even finished, blather of words on a topic that deserves so much more tenderness, more thought and thinking. Alas, this is not my life yet.

Veterans Day was this week. They had cake at work. I’m oft confused by how to feel about it all, but then I see / recall the service the Wallace folk rendered I know – now – that it is more complicated than it seems. Still, not a bad bit of groundwork upon which to build a life. So thanks dad.

Love you pop. My path is a echo/shadow of yours now and I truly think I could use your advice.

:: s ::
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