July Eighth, again

Good sir Mark suggests “…bring to mind three people who have taught you how to love.” He also wrote of how instead of actual words we recall moments, and I accept that as true. Interesting what we think our minds do for us when, under inspection, what they actually do is still amazing, but significantly different. Oh, a tangent – what if it’s merely a 3-phase life? Now, yesterday, & tomorrow? Could explain a good deal, eh?

And so we head into July – summer – the next steps into the next phase of chaos, crisis, and confusion. Wish us luck.
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//11:15a+8Jul20= Wed morn || good sir John spins goodness including Nitzer Ebb’s “Murderous” from That Total Age from 1987 //