July Thirteenth, again

ah Mondays. Yup – here we are. We made it!! Woot US!!
le sigh
G.S. John spun up the intro to Live Aid from the MTv feed – whoa, time warp – there was a time when we thought we could fix the big problems. AND we tried!!! Go us!!!
There was also a Book of Face post by Purdy asking ‘Do you think Trump will win?” – asked from ex-pat POV, Berliner noting it seems there’s not much love/excitement for the Biden. And sadly – so very sadly – that’s a keen POV. Someone noted we’re sick of the lockdown, and the rioting. So just maybe we’re here for the end of the experiment – the report will be produced and perhaps the next iteration of this experiment will address the key points – which are [insert the sound of a computer beeping and booping and tape drives whirring, perhaps the OG line printer carraige noise as it spews – and spew is the correct word – reams of factual data that proves we have no idea what we’re doing, what we need to do, or how we can put this dumpster fire out. I’ll suggest launching into the void of deep space, but then again I always was a sucker for the space voyage sci-fi of my generation.]
and it got late – 1:37a on Tuesday – challenges and strife, sadly. but we find power in the company we keep. and tomorrow will be another day.
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//09:20a+13July2020= Monday, dear god – monday. again. fuck. || “Can I Kick It” from A Tribe Called Quest on the Morning Show on keXp 90.3FM, Seattle (thanks good sir John)//