August 3rd, again

I watched two videos in the last day from the Brothers Green.
they strike me as the kind of brothers anyone would want – I went thru a focused stage where Jimmy John Mew was to be my brother, all I had to do was figure out how to adopt him. Whitesboro was always a place for dreams, escapist fantasies. don’t think he and I would have created what the Green boys have, but we’ll never know will we?

hank spoke of the costs of higher education in america, something I’m adjacent too in my work. it was worrying, yet hopeful.
john spoke of the honest goodness of a sick teenager, and her wishes that, 10 years on, have made the world a better place.
On this, Esther day, from a community I wish I had found when I was still actively wishing for a brother, I will let love fill my hopes, lift my eyes, and remind me that the most basic of our conditions is the one that is the most valuable. I quietly (shyly? hiddenly) hold vast amounts of love for those in my life that have helped me – then, now and I hope in the future. I hold kind love for those who don’t get a specific Hallmark holiday – Boo’s circle of awesome in which I hear of teachers, and counselors, and the heroic moms – I think I love them because of how they are authentic in their lives, and in that way make Boo’s world a better place.
I do hope my dear friends know that I love them – again, as Esther described – the non-romantic kind of love that is there – it’s the foundation of life – but is not celebrated. perhaps we should have a cake?
:: s ::
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//10:11p+3Aug20= Monday night || a fan, a teen, dishes being put away, maybe, the harsh audio of tickle tock, maybe? the sound of gravity increasing, I fear//