shining your light in other’s eyes, do or don’t – and other good advice even in February

//11:50a + 16 Feb 2021 = Tuesday mid morn || ‘Running Up That Hill‘ cover by Chromatics, on keXp, on Troy Nelson’s Morning Show – what is it about covers that trend towards always a good thing to give a listen to?//
when a book has a piece of paper – circa 1996 – on how to deal with some mental health/hygiene issues; ‘the feel good now’ book, as it were – does it mean ‘yay me’ for trying for so long, or ‘well, damn’ for – not necessarily failing – still chipping away at things? Hmmm…

Troy speaks to covers – apparently on Saturday’s keXp show ‘Sound & Vision’ he and The Ghost of Owen speak to covers new or awesome; ‘Cover Me’ is the spot’s name. I will have to go track it down! yay keXp!! have I mentioned how happy I am when I realize I’m connected to a community of decent souls distributed about the globe? well – yay. and yay me!
/11:59a – ‘Get Lucky‘ covered by Daughter, from BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge 2013. again – not better, just another good rendition.
/12:00a – huh. Red’s eulogy for Jellybean was quite moving – how to describe your friends, yourself? ‘Fearless’ was Jellybean’s most central trait – his ‘heart & soul’ so to speak. Also damn – I really liked that actor.
(I just glanced at what I’m going to push – er some notes on what I was listening to; some tings that gave me feels; an unrelated historical pic from my life and times; if I asked myself just what in name of Oden’s beard I was doing – I’d just shrug and nod my head a bit. Hope that’s enough, for now.)
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