one’s defining dedication in a war cry – ‘I want my flat cheese!!!!!’, even in April

let the sun shine, let the sun shine in…

//08:33a + 12 Apr 21 = Monday morning || ‘Jimmy’s Groove’ from Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio, on keXp, spun by DJ Gabriel Teodros, with much love//

Perhaps a taste this morning, with the love and fierce emotion of an unhindered soul, of the wrestling yet to come with our child. Do I feel drained of all resources and reserves just 45 minutes into his day? Yes, yes I do.

Do I have a substantial amount of coffee with which to attempt to fix this situation? Sure – definitely.

Do I hold hope that this will all be fixed in a day or two? Um, a day or two thousand, maybe.

How’s your Monday going?

how to define freedom? how to pursue it in the modern age. c. Nov. ’16, Pennsylvania town

At least the worst of the pollen-ing is behind us, right? Plus we have cool tunes like ‘Cosmosis’ by Tony Allen ft. Skepta, Ben Okri. G.s. Gabriel always brings me new good tunes.

Good morning g.s. Troy – have to say, ‘Ruth B. – If I Have A Son feat. The Harlem Gospel Travelers’ was sincere and sadly hopeful, if that makes sense.

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