Monday Rainy Days and getting down

|Mon 09 Dec 2024 @09:47| Hobosexual’s Traffic Jam (Hidden Track) spun by Lisa LeClair on keXp’s Early show today – nice!|
There are times when I get confused by the product of those who – in my humble opinion – should be able to do it better. Very critical, I know. But … if there’s a section titled “about teachers” – and 4 of 5 boxes/links take you to the school website with teacher bios, and the last box/link takes you to your email app – am I wrong in thinking that’s not what should happen, not what folks wanted to have happen? Hmm…
Over the weekend I was shown a ‘fabulous fact’ that highlighted our common perception of the size of Africa, say compared to Russia, is askew. As in the width of Africa vs. the width of Russia; since our world maps are horrible, it seems Russia is wider, larger. Nope. something like ??? – well damn, now I’m confused. Which is nothing new, eh?
When I figure it all out, the point of the paragraph above is that – I need a better wall map of the world for Rumbly. That’s all. The Authagraph World Map – they’re doing good work to make things better! Woot! Kinda like the website “” – not only a kinda cool top-level-domain, but it does what is says on the box.

As I am wont to do I’m glancing out over Seattle-town, thanks Space Needle Cam!

A fight between the night and the morning takes place from 500 feet, helps me feel connected to KEXP’s DJs, and Blood, and all who spend time there.
On a lighter note – take a look at these National Park Posters – artist helps focus the one-star reviews each park’s received.
huh – am I still logged in overnight? let’s check – |Tue 10 Dec 2024 @13:48|
|Wed 11 Dec 2024 @13:48| – finally had to re-log in – of course there’s no rhyme or reason, eh?
and it rains
steady, continuous – like the creek in Whitestown, eh? we rise towards the banks, when and where we shall over-spill we don’t really know.
Ok – to post – where I capture my mood, my thoughts, my notices and noticings – it’s the point of this flailing in the abyss, yes?
ciao! may you find joy in your day. ::ps::