A Tuesday with actionable choices, oddly in March
//1:38p+3/3/20= Super Duper Tuesday || utterly inoffensive jazz-light guitar plays over the conference call line //
I am alone, waiting. They might be here, but I have low expectations. A nice place to hunt & peck a bit of writing though!
Is it human nature to give the future fortunes of all on Earth at most 3 days of focus?
The headlines I’ve watched scroll by – some Republican efforts on behalf of a Democrat; ‘head v. heart’ is the boiled down essence. I so truly genuinely with all my heart want to follow my heart. Friends have noted ethics & morals that are flexible, do they count?
Thom Tillis caused my wife pain. That caused me pain. Fuck him with a running chain-saw, as others have suggested.
But… my heart will not stop him. This world is not kind to the genuine humanity we all share.
Something that is crucial that I often forget – starting now is totally acceptable.
Still breathing, gonna start fighting I think.
ciao! may you find joy in your day. ::ps::