Inside every train wreck …
is a lovely chandelier! I have no idea what boo meant by that, but in the discussion there was expression of thankfulness and gratitude for how the assassin weavers have read the loom of fate. Certainly much gratitude.
is a lovely chandelier! I have no idea what boo meant by that, but in the discussion there was expression of thankfulness and gratitude for how the assassin weavers have read the loom of fate. Certainly much gratitude.
So, this is what you get when a friendly pup invades your life, and your awesome dog is cool with it. Yay!!
Chilly and bright outside, winter is certainly here for a bit. not the amount of snow others have had to deal with – still not too nice.what has been nice, you ask? well, friends coming to visit always makes the home and heart …
big fat flakes. not sure if it’ll stick or not, but kinda pretty. s.
and now that changes EVERYTHING…well, not really. But I do like it. S.
how about a quick time lapse of our awesome friends??and Missed the color coat, but it is very wonderfully yellow! s.
cause it turns out our great friends are even GREATER!!!from this:to thisto this wow s.
time marches forward, blue makes sleeping noises (that are very cute) as she lays curled up in her bumper bed in the living room. typical things happed – dinner from a driver thru, a movie on the tv, no laundry and no …