Where I stand…
Current Mood: frustratedDo You Care? Do I Care? “Join thousands in LA on March 18 to protest the war on...
Current Mood: frustratedDo You Care? Do I Care? “Join thousands in LA on March 18 to protest the war on...
10:33am Saturday, 11Mar06 Watching the Formula 1 qualifying sessions – all sorts of changes and looks pretty damn good. Seems...
The Chronic -wha?? Cles of … Narnia? Riddick!the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?The Fast, the Furious and the Haircut??...
Current Mood: amused“…by deciding, under Bush’s pampered thumb, to become the planet’s sanctimonious hell-bent Jesus-crazed bitch-slapper?” Here’s the link to...
Current Mood: restlessCurrent Music:David Bowie – Blue JeanVan Hagar belt out Right Now (Live VH1 98 track)… My PoliSci class...
Current Mood:busyCurrent Music:Du Und Ich – BlumchenI had the joy of these numbers:56 degrees at 12:36pm, followed by 46 degrees...
Current Mood:annoyedCurrent Music:Janes Addiction – Jane SaysWhen the recent Jack Daniel’s commercial played, with the Jane’s Addiction Jane Says theme...
Current Mood:restlesshttp://www.myspace.com/thedirtylittleheaters Mel has been rocking ever since we met so long ago… and now she’s on MySpace!!!! Wait –...
Current Mood:awake May I present you something Boo sent me: http://filmstripinternational.com/ Well, not exactly a song to soothe the angry...
“Your mind is always occupied by something, so it may as well be something helpful”Dustin Hoffman; I Hear Huckabees We’re...