Hmmm … either it’s a wednesday or a tuesday… honest. we gots ourselves a pup!!!
ttocslandJune 10th, 2003Current Mood: jubilant9:32pm PDT + 10Jun03 = wednesday evening… Here I am again. How the hell does that...
ttocslandJune 10th, 2003Current Mood: jubilant9:32pm PDT + 10Jun03 = wednesday evening… Here I am again. How the hell does that...
ttocslandApril 16th, 2003Current Mood: aggravatedCurrent Music:Don’t Give Up – Gregorian Chant version10:14pm + 16Apr03 = wednesday evenging Seems I never...
ttocslandFebruary 3rd, 2003Current Mood: shocked9:47pm + 03Feb03 = monday evening… wow- what a weekend, eh? Huh. Not sure what I’m...
ttocslandJanuary 31st, 2003the 31st day of the month of January in the year of our lord, two thousand and ought...
ttocslandJanuary 6th, 200310:11pm + 06Jan03 = monday evening… post pizza, post 70’s show. had a great chat with blood… and...
ttocslandDecember 18th, 2002Current Mood:comfortableCurrent Music:Bruce Springsteen & Bono & Emmylou Harris & Little Richard & John Mellencamp – This Land...
ttocslandJuly 2nd, 2002I listen to Neko Case speak of fixing her hair to look ‘purty’.I write to my sis to...
ttocslandJune 7th, 2002so, there we were – in the congo…er, how about DC?I, myself, made it to NY. Have you...
ttocslandMay 9th, 2002so, updating. downdating? whatever… fixed a few things here at my little corner of the web log universe....
ttocslandNovember 13th, 2001Current Mood:awake13Nov01 + 3:25pm = Tuesday afternoon “I am U-571. Sink me” — How’s that for taking control...