In my head and in my heart

In my head and in my heart

7:12p Sat Jul 27, 2024

hand written name sign on table top
Had Rumbly practicing his writing this summer. c. Jun ’24, durhamtown

Poking about – hope-questing!! – and pulled up good soul John Richard’s Insta feed. Loved his note –

At one point I took Henry to the bathroom and coming back we both danced…kind of a slam dance into a waltz in the back of the arena…just he and I…laughing….and that will stick. In my head and in my heart.

“… that will stick – in my head and in my heart.” – oh, yeah.
“I love you daddy – boop” – he’s got to outgrow that, and no matter when that happens it’ll be too soon. But damn if that doesn’t make my day every single time.

11:50p Friday night – hello Saturday
“Never give up … Never surrender” – Galaxy Quest – really good movie to watch. … and with additional pondering of what the fuck was wrong with me in high school… how about we watch Fame!, eh? whoa.. 6 minutes in and the keyboard arrives. wonder how the dominoes fell – what was the push? Bruno, eh?

… – and or 9:32a 1 Aug 24, Thursday

A day where there’s a goal – get up, get out. But … in the intervening few hours I’ve gotten not a whole lot accomplished. Some home work churned out. Kiddo ran into the wall of Dad v. YouTube. Sigh. But that’s a lesson to repeat for both of us for, oh, the next few decades, eh?

Let’s see what’s changed in the last 5 days… oh, yeah. Hope. Woot. Odd times we’re living thru, eh?

“It does not absolve us from the work we have to do to fight for the things that matter to us” – M. Damon, ~ Aug ’24, on being hopeful

blue pencil case on wood table
and so another school year arrives – new pencil case is cool! c. Jul ’24, hobbit house

Ok – let’s get this up and out – hello August. 95 days until we figure out what the big game was all about – not that I got introduced a site called American – Doom with regards to a concern over the ‘game’ being distract, delay and deny. Seriously folks, we’re still in for a long, hot summer.


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