Hope springs eternal, oddly in December
It dawns on me – regularly – that I have lost all track of time. The passage of time....
It dawns on me – regularly – that I have lost all track of time. The passage of time....
to good sir John – for the constant reminders. to those who’ve helped me appreciate … no, love music –...
miss ya dad wishing I knew you better oh – well, the 1:55p ‘last edited’ time stamp would be incorrect...
the future promised jetpacks; seems I may have configured WordPress’ JetPack to allow for mobile posts – wish us luck!!...
Nope – that was the image – ok. – Ok – out of the image – cool. So, you choose...
the pitter patter of little feet … smacking the wall. Oh Rumbly, nothing under the sun is new, is it?...
I listen exclusively to keXp.org’s streaming radio, John Richard’s uniquely titled “John in the Morning Show” – it’s what I...
I don’t remember her last words to me. Or to anyone, I guess. I recall fumbled phone calls and the...
a long time ago, in a town … well, 12 hours away, I either paid good money to sit in...
My sister sent a wonderful kindness yesterday, and I’m wrapping my mind around the touchstone it represents. Of the past...