Here’s a Monday morning at 4 am!


August 27th, 2001
Current Mood: tired
27Aug01 + 4:24am PDT = early Monday

Hey yeah – it’s early, and I’m sleep depraved!!

Had a great evening out with one Mr. Christopher Bailey – the man, the myth, the legend!!

Yes, the one who co-starred with Wolfgang Puck. Hopefully, he’ll survive the accidental exhaust poisoning I inflicted on him, and will be fine to go vacationing to exotic locales in no time!!!

I also had a fabulous Saturday – go H E R E {{gorpics/intro.html}} to read a VERY long account of my fun in the sun speaking with strangers. Or, if you’d rather, go see the P I C T U R E S {{gorpics/index.htm}}.
Ciao, very tiredly…
Tags: t.a.w.s.(&a!)