hanging in, hanging around … feb ’16 |
A big storm rolls into town, the skies open up and rain pours down.
You pause if you can, why run into the wetness if you can stay dry?
But some have to go, some are in motion and it won’t stop, even for a serious amount of water.
3:15 PM – try not to hate
Try to find love
Try … to see the future
And breathe.
in the wind and rain, with a hint of sunshine … feb ’16 |
I’m reading some good words on the fight to save a Durhamtown landmark, the Pinhook Bar. Oh how it’s taking me back.
Back to times and places and people – even though I know I need to fight forward, to move to looking at where I am now, how I want to change and grow, and to look at the goals I have.
There is hope. That is easy to loose sight of – even in the midst of wonderfulness and joy, if the situation is neck deep in crap and badness. It’s the whole ‘how does this turn out??’ anxiety I’d guess. The uncertain future – will the rain stop and wind still itself so that I can make it to my next way-station along my path? Or will it rain and blow for ever more?
shall we enjoy some soup? why yes, on a rainy day, it was perfect! feb ’16 |
We will continue down this path, because it’s truly the only choice. We’ll weather the storm, and emerge on the other side knowing for sure that there will be sunny days, and stormy days, and it’s who you spend the days with, how you love the ones you are with, how your joy becomes other’s joy – that’s the important thing.
Hold those you love close, whisper a secret in their ear, a secret from your heart. Their smile will make the storm seem not as bad, seem not as un-endurable as it may seem.
{9:04a + 4Feb2016 = Thursday morning || as John starts his day at KEXP, we hear “2 Wicky” by Hooverphonic}