On the power of institutional memeory

On the power of institutional memeory

Say you have created a website that reflects your personality and your goals and ambitions. Say you then stop creating – and in time the website goes away. Is it gone? Well … no. No it’s not (though Angelfire may no longer be accessible; rest well)

so I time travel to 2014, look into the past of 2012, and paste it all into a word doc. Because that’s what we’ve learned to do, isn’t it? Grab it if you can and deal with it later – the failing of a memory that never lets go.

Did see this though –

technical photo of yota phone
Apr 2013 – dreaming of technology almost made real

Ok – learning bits and pieces, which as Alec, Casey, Peter, Shawn, simone, et al have made me realize is the best thing to do in life.

:: s :: | vivere militare est |

“Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”