Powerful tools, even in July – lets us break bread and share!

Been thinking, as I do, between the podcasts I pull down and play and the amazing time-sink that pressing ‘play’ on an interesting show on the Streams (looking at you Net-Prime!) – such as how to step up in the 21st century to be ‘better’ and how to get that done directly, before the next decade starts.
Well, getting away from your routine and seeing how the ‘other’ people live! and by ‘other’ what I mean is any other – friends, neighbors, countrymen. Folk on that side of the road. Really any one. ‘Cause that’s how you get ruts you can’t get out of – by fearing the ‘other’. so – that’s part of the plan on how to enjoy this 1st decade of the last century of my life. Whoooo-weeeee! Gotta have a plan, amirite?
Have I told you about TED talks? This one is kinda … sobering during these calamitous times. How about an analysis that our data is worth about $12/year to Facebook – how to turn that into value for us? How about our robot overlords won’t be good at leading kindergarten classes (imagine how that would go down – the 5 year olds have no mercy!) – or checking in on our elderly.
A dire comment about the middle class – which leads to ponders that make me feel … bad. and sad. So here’s to the end of the first decade of the new century!
Have I mentioned that I listen to lots of podcasts? Say one on cashflow via Facebook (seekers v. delivered information to people; not going on websites, not seeker, but recipient, deliver a message …)
||>- well, here’s another bit of … well – I have no idea. but I do want to put the words I’ve scrawled down in my digital clay.
/09:05a+02July2019=Tues morning || podcasts in one ear, getting cashflow from facebook -huh/