Of computers and life, oddly in April

|| 92 : 01 Apr 2020 @16:52 || Life in the times of home work. How about I take a look at the ‘draft’ posts I have laying about? Like this one, from 51 weeks ago? Sure – why not.
I sit here listening to good people share their lives. Storytelling done fairly well.
I sit here wanting to hold on to everything in my life. Can I
//10:27p+17Apr2019||sound+vision on keXp – Sean Smith – a genuinely decent human being, says John//
Still listening to keXp – the stories good sir John shares are often very very good – such as Barry, in the Gathering Space, dancing to Dream Police from Cheap Trick, on Cheap trick day. yay Barry – you’re an awesome peep!
Of course I still want to hold onto things. This is from a year ago – huh, guess it was on/about Rumbly’s 2nd bday. Zoot!
The title speaks of computers and life – funny how the flipping of the calendar twelve times brings us to a world where the computers have replaced ‘normalcy’ for a lot of folk. How life CAN continue, though disrupted, in a variation on a form. I’m seeing the kiddos doing school Zooms (video conferencing), I helped an amiga with her Skype setup so she could make it to a date-night, the Familia Loggie have Hangouts from time to time that are truly symbolic of family – loud, cacophonous, messy, funny, happy – as they should be but at times can’t be due to distance. MickeyMatt’s home was often filled with the love of family, Ma H. always made us welcome, and I suspect if she was asked she’d set up a laptop with cammy at her table and – well, family the fuck out this crazy crazy time.
//The National – Never Tear Us Apart // from Monday 23rd March John In the Morning show on keXp//

Above a pic from a time when Scott would visit Humphreys-land, a time when we knew who our enemies were!!
What? What’s that? No, we did not know who our enemies were? well, that explains so much.
May we all remember the wonderful times misspent in our youth! May those who have yet to mis-spend their youth have many opportunities to make memories that they will recall decades from now.
Be safe, wash your face and stop touching your hands!!
ciao! may you find joy in your day. ::ps::