Science – PLHIV – is powerful, even in April
|| 95 : 04 Apr 2020 @13:43|| 95 : 04 Apr 2020 @13:43 ||from a while ago a friend noted this truth –
I requested her permission to share. it’s the dark spring of 2020 but in a different time and place I worked with the fine folk of the American Association of Immunologists. One fine fellow – Patrick White if I recall correctly – and I strolled about the halls of congress one weekday in the Fall of 1993. A special issue of Scientific American was our gift to each of the representatives of American citizens. There had been concerns over the funding of basic science research – the foundation upon which is built amazing therapies for all sorts of ailments and illnesses. The world of immunology had been in the thick of a fight against HIV for years – and to see the concrete steps, the current state of the world I live in – that my son lives in – our friends and families live in – it’s pretty fucking amazing.
“a discussion around needing more research on the aging population living with HIV… because there’s finally such a thing as an aging population of people LIVING w/HIV.”
Nxx w/ Rxx, Feb. 2020
“We use an acronym in manuscripts for people living with HIV (PLHIV) and we shouldn’t take that for granted!”
Progress is important – measurable progress is reassuring. In the American culture where the boy with the most toys wins I am sad. In the American culture where the men who have quite a bit of the toys then make great and significant strides to make the world a better place (good sirs/madams Gates, Buffet, etc.) I feel less sad, more hopeful. In a world culture where the Bros. Green have consistently made strides to make the world a better place, with their cohorts in Nerdfighteria engaging along the way I see the possibility – and hold onto the hope for the future – of a world that fixes the problems that greedy men have propped up for centuries. “Don’t forget to be awesome” is the tagline of their company Complexly. I try to think of that line often. I make an effort to feed into my social live stream the posts and people and actions that fulfill that simple credo. Good sir Pat wanted to be part of the machine that is politics in America – I hope he continued to fight and win the important fights.
PLHIV – glad to have peeps who continue to make the world a better place in my circle of peeps. Much much gratitude.
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