July fifth, again

//7:19p+5Jul2020=Sunday eve | boo at the sofa, kiddo in his room, me clicky-clacky at the keyboard in the ScotSpot, the swelling refrain from “Permanent Excuse” from The Cassandra Project in my echo ears//
good sir Mark was very prescient with his words today, of secretly desiring change, and by keeping it a secret facilitate that true change will not happen. Is that just how we get through life – we all want something different, and don’t speak to it since getting it won’t happen with mere words? I can review all the relationships that I’ve held back, didn’t acknowledge the shortcomings (hello, my name is Scott), and thus, without the changes coming from inside my heart (for they were not able to …) I spent years (decades? lifetimes?) wandering about.
don’t think that’s what I would choose to do if I had known the challenges that a lifestyle of attending, vs. participating, gives you.
This isn’t my best blog post, but with practice (especially with different platforms to blog from, sigh) comes at least an understanding of what I’m doing wrong.
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