August Fourteenth, again

Carter Suburu – planting one tree every test drive. makes me ponder – ‘hey, love to test drive this Outback’ – ‘sure – need a copy of your drivers license’ – ‘OK, sure’ – ‘and need to grab this sapling and a shovel – ok – good to go. Want to drive? Can you pop the hatch?’ – ‘er … uh. um – sure?’
Good soul John makes the morning better. Good soul Jim makes my brain understand things a bit better. Good soul Rumbly makes me think ‘wow’
a good 30 minutes burned thru with 3AM Eternal not being a dance hit with a country singer. nope. also – wow scott, the shit that’s in your head. //

and so we end the day, good enough. I should sit and reflect on the efforts I’m making and how much joy I get. I’m feeling that I’ve found a ‘thing’ – cloud time-lapse – and now I rinse and repeat. Perhaps not – and it’s certainly enjoyable to futz with a set of clips, weed out the fuzzy stuff (sorry about today), speed them up and find a music track to work with it.
But – now I can do that. So, what’s next?
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//08:37a+14Aug20= Friday. I’m pretty sure || “Climbing PoeTree” by Being Human on keXp 90.3 FM Seattle//