Grief On A Monday Morn

A post on the Book of Faces – a friend with friends – a note on how everyone who knew him will miss him immensely. Damn.
How to describe the impact? I wasn’t bowled over; knocked adrift my path; brought to my knees. I was surprised, shocked. Saddened.
And as I do I poked about to find the ‘memories’ – snapshots of different times, different lives, decent people. LA. 2005. Wow. Damn.
/”No New Tales To Tell” sing Love & Rockets, spun by John, on kexp, on The Morning Show./
Guess that’s the perfect track, eh Universe? Damn good people, doing their best to make this realm better, to make us souls feel alive. Never enough time to do all of it for everyone – so I am grateful, in the entirety of my heart, that I was able to be in Marty’s sphere. I will think of good times, and I will feel sad for his people.
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