August 19th, again

a doggo snorts, snuff, scruffs her way off the sofa. awesome tunage plays from speakers under the monitor, the rectangle that is – for good or bad – where we start our lives nowadays. a kiddo and mum in the other room watch Sarah & Duck, which makes me take note in OneNote – ‘any new sarah and duck?’ – a google search to accomplish. today we get a visit from a professional to look upon our foundation and decree ‘sure, we can fix that’ or, perhaps, ‘wow. whoa. no – amazing. how long have you been like this?’ – I can see it going either way.
//10:04a – “I’m just gonna hang out with your daughter” says Lloyd … and with that we start a show. go go go sparkle and Mo Shun!//

You know, it’s like 16 minutes into good soul John’s show and I suspect it’s going to be one for the record books…
2,850 is enough days to attempt an appropriate mea culpa, perhaps a better choice in gifts, eh? We’ll find out – stay tuned!
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//8:12a+19Aug20 = Wednesday morning || “I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross on keXp’s Early Show with Gabriel Teodros//