August 26th, again

when the day is non-memorable looking up
an if you had said ’20 years on your boy is a huge fan of monster trucks…” – alas – c. summer ’00, LaLa town

the news during the day (ha ha ha – the news, all the time) has me concerned. A noted on the book of faces said the cruelest part of these times is the revelation of how cruel my fellow americans are. I see it and I’m baffled. I also fear that I am deluding myself on important things. How ever do you find out if what you think you are is who you think you are, that what you stand for is what you stand for?

What to do when what you stand for is usurped by forces unseen and unstoppable? From a respect for police officers and a lack of understanding of the disdain – from a CHiPs episode in which a kid thinks of the cops as pigs; to a pentboy/playhouse advert with a motor-cop cradling a child and the zinger ‘some still call him pig’ – I will presume the same forces of time and events that have lead to the joy of normalcy as my friends enjoy hard-won rights to a divorce after getting married is the same forces that may have exacerbated the unaccountable viciousness in those who are sworn to provide peace and safety to the populace.

I just have to think that in it all the key factors are the corrupt greed of those with power. How to fight that condition is best left to the historians but I am feeling that we shall come to a point where actions are the sole avenue of communication. Utterly unsure of how that will play out or impact me and mine.

//10:55a – Troy notes I need to send in a postcard to keXp’s ‘Good Mail Day’ – and I also note that the ‘Celebrates the 1980s’ day is streaming only until the 2nd of Sept. So … “In the Air Tonight” from Phil Collins on DJ Abbie’s show is track 1 – seems right, seems good//

seems 20 years ago I was winging it west c. Sep ’00 USAland

again, fishing in my very confused stream of moments, mementos, other assorted waylays along my path. An exuberance from then – all the possible events – travel, jobs, friends, new adventures, new technologies. I’m sure a lot of this is because I’m entering young curmudgeon-hood (YC Novel Author impresses with freshman effort “Get Off My Lawn Before I Yell At the Clouds!!!”) and have turned my attention away from what might happen. Sad a bit, but a well-worn path that might be noted as natural.

:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc“Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”

//10:12a+26Aug20 = Wednesday, I guess || Troy spins “Claudia Lewis” from M83 on keXp//