August 30th, again

//11:48a || Justin Townes Earle sings “Burning Pictures” on NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert from Sep ’14 – you will be missed// (extra fab – “Graceland” cover)
//2:56p || Chase Eagleson covers Eddie Vedder’s cover of Indio’s ‘Hard Sun‘ – and I feel the history of my enjoyment rise up…//

//4:36p || “Glycerine” by Bush from the East Stage of Woodstock ’99//
I poke about in the slow eddies of the stream of dreams, the remembrance creek – I hear tunes, I see images and know things from the past that – though honest and genuine and true – did not … impact the exterior world. Music I loved was never a bonding point, learning early that my ‘tastes’ were not typical. Traveling so often for so long for so many years – yet never stopping, never ‘seeing’ where I was, but wanting to land where I had been – alas, the boulevard of rainy dreams, a place that was/is such an inky black spot in my life, though garishly lit. How … odd.
//4:40p || Tracy Chapman performs ‘Fast Car‘, dec 1988 in Oakland, o/a the time I was sharing with Andy and Charlotte this awesome album I picked up at the Exchange – and as was typical, 4 weeks later I’d read about how amazing this performer is in my Rolling Stone//

I scrolled through the last year of my cell phone snaps – looking for images to support the observation that the new LED streetlights outside Hobbit House are TOO DAMN BRIGHT!!! What I found, as covers of “Hard Sun” played – so many talented souls out there giving such wonderful gifts! – was that right now things are odd, they are tough, there is not as much … sun and light and joy and happy in my snaps. Kiddo’s amazing – but he was amazing at HighWire brewing, or how Dustin and I took a fire-pit at Ponysauraus right before his amazing kiddo showed up. Lovely pics of me and the kid and others strolling the art in the garden event at UNC Botanical – just like, life. it happened all the time all around us. Now – today – for me – kinda crushed into a corner, not … hell, not even taking snaps of the out front at night since, well, I’m in by 6 and it’s not really an outdoor kinda time of my life. what the fuck, truly. alas…

//11:38p || “Romeo & Juliet” by SaraMuffinCake, cover of Indigo Girls – heart and soul//
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//7:36a+30Aug20 = Sunday morn || a quiet start to the days events//