Donut Dollys Heading Into War
so another day of adventure with the kiddo – and now I know the ‘joy’ of walking your child away from a play ground with him cry/screaming ‘Red Slide! REEDD Sliide! REEEEDDDDD SSSSLLLLIIIIDDDDDEEEEE!!!!!!” … pure heaven I tell, just rays of happiness thru my heart!
Just saw that good souls Matt & Jo-Anne trekked to the great Adirondacks – that made me happy. Distance has been too far, and hopes for a slight fix (a fix fix?) went out the window, oh … 7 months ago. wow. time flies and all that.
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//8:01p + 4Oct20 = Sunday || some show boo fell asleep to … 1.6 billion donuts served!!//
Love the blurBigFinish! Painterly…