how does it feel. tell me who you are.
//01:47p + 22 Feb 2021 = Monday. Monday, right? || well, keXp is playing, my head and ‘actions’ are phone-centric, but Flunk reminds me – Mondays are oft Blue//
Before Flunk caught my ear, Camp Cope did – their tune ‘The Opener’ – well, the lyrics hit not close, but dead on center. sadly.
and so monday’s are days to lean into – prob need to spend a few moments on shy Euro v. American calendar styles are different. Mindset? tradition?
And so – it seems – the realm of texting is I guess for the olds; alas there’s not a decent ‘all of your paths, in one spot!’ – perhaps Bingo or whatever the startup that will send ya a jail-broken iPhone to do the relays (bold, cobbled together like madmen!) – next life perhaps it’ll all be easier or not needed.
let’s contrast the above obviously all natural shot, as old as time, with something more current (ha ha ha … I slay myself!)
so -how’s it going for you? sneaking up on an anniversary and not sure how we all should celebrate. I’ll suggest cake.
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