‘people are struggling this week’ – it’s the vibe… says the DJ oddly in March

//12:43p + 3 Mar 2021 = Wednesday afternoon (how the hell did that happen??) || from ‘We Belong’ into ‘Dreams’ g.s. John, and d.s. Dr. Amy share that the times they are a trying – think of the bar, drinking with friends, spinning some vinyl – and I can’t say they’re wrong about this choice.//
Raging against the washing machine, the week slips by, the weather is strobmatic – like my fucking sky vids!!! (at least they’re in 4k, right??) Such tangible hope – shots for all! mixed in with such onerous ineptitude and frankly malice – looking at you scumbag, so called ‘Gov’ of Texas. What a bunch of fuck-ups. Alas I am – and always will be – too poor to a) be heard, or more importantly b) make things change.
And thus the eternal struggle for a life like mine. I should’ve/could’ve done more I guess, but here I am without my time machine. How to make the most of this situation which is not at all bad.

I get emails from Rider magazine, keeps me up to date on the going-ons of the single-track lifestyle. There’s been twinges – certainly last spring – of the possibility of enjoying the riding with fewer vehicles on the road. alas proto-agoraphobia has diminished the ‘goal’ of that challenge. But I think of riding often. There was a comfort in that solitude – fully in control of my own destiny come hell or freezing temps or a really reallly really really lreally long ride thru Pennsylvania. And Maryland. And Virgina. zoot! For younger me? For bolder me? Perhaps in the future? That seems less likely, alas.
/11:47p – ‘Romeo and Juliet’ cover by Emile Saphir Nickel, and I have to say it makes me smile. thematically it’s been a day of how music and emotions are linjked. the amazing power of a tune, lyrics and the bold confidence to perform. It’s all that it takes. some are better than other.
music. is it truly that simple that that is the answer to the challenges of life? I suppose at some level it is primal, yes? well, here’s to listening and enjoying.
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
‘Vintage’ sky – love it!
Love YOU ?