uncharted waters, oddly in March

//3:31p + 11 Mar ’21 = Thursday afternoon || little footsteps coming up to the door!//
“Did you have a good day?” – I like to think the kiddo does have good days.

I do have to say that I’m kinda enjoying the stroll through photographs lane that I do when trying to make these posts worthy of anyone’s time. Of course finding such cool shot like above, during a time when I may not have yet embraced that I ‘am’ a photographer makes me think perhaps I was a bit stupid then. It’s only when I compare to the last 53 weeks of March photos that I see that actually I’m lucky to get the occasionally great shot. Different times I fear.
good on ya Eddie – making some dough. bit of an ass but still – good on ya!
/12:00p – the next day – keXp makes me smile. the next day is a fine day to complete the effort.
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