pick me up. a little higher. a little higher, oddly in April

such good miles

//08:31a + 15 Apr 21 = Thursday, right here, right now || ‘Old & Fine‘ from serpentwithfeet on g.s. Gabriel’s Early show on keXp//

a detailed story on the injustice of our law enforcement society – and the voices in which the two parties speak. I mean – if I can see/hear it, and I’m fairly clueless – can’t you see/hear the same thing? Our mantra of ‘just one bad apple’ seems quaint, naive, and obviously pathetic – it keeps us from having to accept/address ‘wow – we’ve empowered bullies to terrorize children. please pass the mashed potatoes, I have to get to the mall to hang with friends’

Of course as a ‘responsible adult’ now I see how even the thought of attempting to tackle the sharing of a truer story will lay waste to the conceits, the illusions we live in. So what to do today to help make tomorrow different, better? such good questions.

/09:29a – They Coming For Me by I Self Devine spun by Gabriel…

ah Duke. such an integral part of Durham’s happiness and hate. c. Dec ’16, durhamtown

I’ve been glancing at the Durham Public Schools website because apparently that’s gonna be a big part of my/our future. It’s not a settling or exciting proposition and I don’t know exactly how I’ll get to that point. Believe the pros call it A.N.Ts. Le Sigh.

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