above us floating in space

|Thu 02 Dec 2021 @11:29|
as g.s. John spins Massive Attack on keXp
they’re using a socket set on the space station – near a lockheed Martin logo – with cool squeeze to open carabiners, and the concept of – hey – how do you wrench on something in space? torque would twist the station too?
also on the arm – secured/mounted – was the astronaut who worked on the antenna – so it’s like an awesome cherry picker, but in SPACE!!!!

yeah – something amazing, eh?
|Fri 03 Dec 2021 @10:14| – – the next day – –
keXp spins Jane’s ‘Three Days’ from Ritual de lo Habitual
and now we’re here – Friday. space walk complete, all things normal.
but Seattle waked to see this – pretty fucking nice.

|Fri 03 Dec 2021 @15:43|- how’s your Friday going? Any best laid plans for mice and men … um, succeed? I know how you feel. At least it’s stupidly nice outside here in durhamtown.
Had a somewhat grounded discussion on the challenges facing the Hobbit House crew, say over the next 12 years. Certain issues would be less stressful if, you know, we lived in a different universe all-together. Alas, it seems we’re all piloting in the same realm.
So we will register Rumbles for kindergarten [dramatic pause for the ol’ ticker to restart… sigh] and start building up expectations, until the inevitable wuthering occurs.
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