Presumably we’re all trying to stay alive, oddly in January

|Wed 05 Jan 2022 @06:23|
Certainly Mustafa, who sings ‘stay Alive’, as heard on keXp – lovely voice, cutting statements
Or at least awake, right?
Cold nights lead to the perfectly toasty blanket/bed sammy – why get up?
While I was home I exercised my ‘continue to be confounded by your very own life’ life project by asking dear sis Shari about my youthful outbursts – might have phrased it ‘was I scary?’ – went on to touch on a handful of oddities and how it might seem that I was being placated; perhaps from the ‘I’m disappointed in her’ revelation from the Land of Marys.
scrolling through the handful of pics – culling I believe is the act I’m performing – is nicely reminding me how great of a trip we had. that’s a nice thing to feel during these chaotic times.
So how to jump back ‘into’ the thick of things when you really just wan to ‘wander’ around some more (what – 45 years isn’t enough Wallace? asshole…) – perhaps an alarm, perhaps the love of a really really really ridiculously good looking Rumbly?
So a year ago I was still innocent – 52 weeks later I’m scared. Like other rational minds. Guess the whole FUD thing wasn’t working on us so they just went with actual fucking terrorizing, eh? Thankfully … uh, I wasn’t there. that’s about it. truly really. A year ago the world wasn’t as utterly fractured, the US wasn’t as completely broken. How to deal, how to heal? Fuck…
So we get up with the alarm, pursue our routines, and our backup routines, and our emergency routines, and our alternative backup emergency routines (three W’s – wash, wear, withdraw) – good luck to one and all, eh?
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