sungura sungura, nyeupe sungura!
as it is said in Bantu along the Indian Ocean coastline …may we ALL have much good luck in October. ciao,s....
as it is said in Bantu along the Indian Ocean coastline …may we ALL have much good luck in October. ciao,s....
Beauty in nature… Beauty man made… Nature, or tasty treats – both quite enjoyable. So, 10Q is a ‘new year’...
well, got to say I had a great time tonight with my friends, had tasty food, cake and mousse; just...
fear and sadness, I bid adieu.courage and happiness, ‘ello!also, post-it notes do not burn as easily as one might think...
Thank youThank you s.
my wife’s laugh as she speaks with SMO re: “when else can you try human flesh without it being like...
Sunday, late afternoon.Mom’s day …miss ya. Miss helping you out with your Celiac group’s efforts – the website, the newsletter,...
though I got to say wow – it’s been a heck of a day.For those who’ve been paying attention, I...
Wait – Saturday morning. Nope – Sunday morning it is… well, afternoon.Link sausage – Ted talk by dude from MIT...
a Thursday night, post nibbles and shopping with amigos. Boo might even have a case for her nook that she...