50 years on; also who do you want to align with?
sunshine and pollen – durhamtown – ~april ’18 |
I presume it’s a typical moment in a young person’s life when they ponder “who am I related to? anyone famous I wonder…”
Thus occurred, a long time ago, a moment where factual knowledge melded with a value judgement was forged into a tiny it of wisdom for a 10 year old to hold onto.
Seems good sir Kaczor was right – perhaps I’d not like to align myself with such a man as Alabama’s governor with my last name; so I didn’t and that was a good thing.
Today marks an anniversary – not a good one. Today marks a measuring point – where we can see we still have so far to go. Today marks yet another day in the chaos of the world we live in.
If you think standing with a person / ideals and mores / that are hate filled is the best you can do, that’s pretty sad. I wonder why you are that way. I wonder why you’d be against upward progress, more bent towards inward hardening. Sadly no one wants to talk with me about this, so I am stuck wondering.
And hoping – hoping that when it comes time I can add a value judgment – water-hoses and attack dogs versus kids and students trying to talk to the mayor is bad – to a bit of factual knowledge – ‘there are people with our last names throughout history’ – that might give my son a stable foundation to navigate this oh so cruel world with courage.
Let’s see if his 4th grade teacher can also be a beacon of decency.
“Keep Calm and Carry On” or “Keep Calm … and Cupcakes!”
//11:22a+04Apr2018=Wednesday morn || By the Time I Get to Arizona by Public Enemy on ‘John in the Morning’ on kexp//