“do this one thing with great reverence and gratitude”, oddly in January

2020 begins

7:40 a.m. on a Wednesday morning one January 2020. The sound of rumbly having a drink. And some VERY loud Daniel tiger life coaching – everyone gets mad sometimes… Count to four then roar!!

Sitting in the Awakening house as the decade blinks awake… Which time to play first? What’s the most significant action I can take to set myself on the right path for the rest of the year/decade/century!!!!!

All before I finish my first cuppa. Big hopes & dreams. And that’s alright.

peering inside sometimes shows something amazing. c. jan ’20, Hobbit House

+++and now it’s 12:22p+6jan2020=Monday morn||keXp’s John plays “freedom’s coming soon / everyone wants to break down” – Algiers – Dispossession+++

A Monday which is called Epiphany on the big calendar (oddly Sarah & Duck noted Scotland’s January 2nd celebration – quite Scottish, don’t you think?) – so what am I learning or realizing today? I think I’ll go with that the noise and fury that comes from the car when it’s on and you press Go and which causes you great consternation is – quite honestly – not worthy of your strong emotional respone (Rumbly, looking at you kiddo); kinda as if I were to ponder my stuck-a-tude in my life, eh?

“nothing like the healing power of base” noted a fellow listener of the Morning Show. – so John spins “J.Period featuring dead prez, SA-ROC & Maimouna Youssef – Soldiers”, which echoes/uses ‘4 dead in o-hi-o’ chorus.

Times are all sorts of strong emotion, eh? and here we are in the new year, new decade, repeating the dance steps we know and hold on to all to tightly.

Wish me much luck as I pursue a path that has more passion involved.

indulge yourself when you can, says Hali. c. Jan ’20, Hobbit House


:: s ::
| Respice ad diem hanc |

“Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”

//8:33a+1Jan2020=Wednesday morn || the sounds of hobbit house//