Ten Months Down the Line, oddly in January

here we go… again.
Ok – so here’s the truth – I like writing, I have pics to share, the vids make me happy. and I’m so out of my normally functioning ability to juggle a few things and have things get done. Ya know, quarantime life? So – hi. I miss you – hope you and yours are doing as well as you can, and that you have joy in you life.
be good to yourself.
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//1:27a + 18Jan21 = late on a Sunday night || the echoes of an astonishing discourse on a post on the book of faces… kinda just ‘whoa’//
I type/write/compose. Often. getting the words down comes in drips and dabs – OneNote is my goto for daily journaling while at The Rectangles. Feel I’ve even gotten to the point of ‘contented’ with my organization of the collections of keystrokes, copy & pastes, the yearly attempt at handwriting/drawing that always lets me down (perhaps some day it will be remarkable) – and of course when I come to the ‘publications from Scott’s mind’ site I think – ‘ would it be better if I just focused all of it at one place? use WordPress app to collect…’ – and that project seems impossible. Huh – does OneNote have an easy peasy ‘from our proprietary file format to the world wide web – with just one click!’ feature? I shall investigate…
//07:58a – because beginning the begin is good//
//07:24a + 16Jan2021 = Saturday Morning || a stunning lack of cartoons, and a foreboding sense of doom – if it were the Legion I’d be ok with it. alas…//
what the fuck is going on in the universe, my friends?

//9:45a + 13Jan2021 = Wednesday morn || good soul Gabriel spins tunes for the soul, with ‘Lean On Me’ as his bed – wow.//
Well, hello blood! How lovely to see you here in the 13th month of 2020, sharing your uh-maize-omg cloud videos – thank uou❣️
Ever onward, sometimes sideways .?