August 9th, again

clouds on a sunday

A comment from a YouTuber – print your files. Put your trip pics in a book – keep them the same. Not hard for a designer, more of a challenge for those meandering a path littered with choices and indecision.

my town cares, but has challenges that will be tough to overcome. c. Jul ’20, durhamtown

So I poked about in my Lightroom, which has been just a joy to juggle folders of pics into a new catalog… weee.

I found the featured photo along with the above snap. a month or so back I believe – folks made an effort to shout, to get the attention of those who need to hear “It is not alright with us that you act with impunity – y’all are just human, not supermen” –

:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc“Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”

//11:20p+9Aug20= Sunday night || the track for the video – Satya Yuga by Jesse Gallagher//