August 20th, again
//”wow – how did you get out?” Was the first thing I heard Boo exclaim this morning. sigh. || seems he wanted to play with his school bus, fire engine, and red car blue wheels while nibbling on some ‘squares’ (wheat thins) out in the front room, on the sofa, next to the Hali-dog//
Hello. Did I try to throw down a voice-over tonight on the vid? yup. is it there? nope. ever freak out listening to your voicemail greeting and spend 3 hours with a script and listening and re-listening to the message until the final take is you just screaming at your wits end into the mouthpiece, then selecting ‘use system default’ from the menu and never – EVER – think of your voicemail greeting again? Well, certainly not to that level but perhaps I don’t want to attempt at the end of the day, kinda quietly so as to not disturb Boo, while both the laptop’s fan and a desk fan whirrrrs away right where I’m sitting and talking. Perhaps we will try this again.
this experiment/practice is interesting to me – I am questioning all the aspects – am I just now repeating a repetitive repetition of ‘time-lapse clouds’? I do get to share pics I’ve taken along the way – but wait – haven’t I shared this lovely blue flower(?) somewhere? How could I tell? Is there an issue with me re-sharing? And what is the point of this exercise anyways? These inquiries – and more! – will have to wait for another day to discuss and answer. Alas, the hours are fleeting, and my reserves are depleted.
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//11:42p+20Aug20 = Thursday || the low hum of moving air, fans keeping electronics cool, a stillness covers the world//