Hello, September 1st, once more

// 08:35a – || “Throw Your Arms Around Me” by Pearl Jam, performed by Eddie Vedder and Mark Seymour, live//
Ok – I’ll give them a ‘well, you got me to click thru…‘ – so kudos to Duke Performances!!

9:07am, when I should have bono animus John tune in, the changes, and a new month and re-freshed hope for a deliberate life has me wandering the YouTube music video rabbit hole where I hear a damn fine cover of “Gimme Shelter“, the Rolling Stones classic. Tim Rogers and Vika Bull bring fire and soul to it. So I think – hey man, your whole ‘you should watch this’ show, from Radio Free Durhamtown, is going to be something else. If ever … but hey – dreams are what get us up in the morning, right?
funny how the ‘leaders’ are the ones who cause others to find the way, eh? gotta love the Pros. sigh.
um – here’s a couple of gents who kinda know how to strum a guitar. kinda decently – what do you think? Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley covering elton john’s “Ballad of a Well-Know Gun“
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//07:05a+01Sep2020 = Tuesday – a fresh start to the weak || Sia – Breath – live at KCRW – via YouTube Music … grrr … from the kitchen as I ponder a path forward that is deliberate, intentional. delibintent, so to speak.//