Moody- we’ve all been there, says ACertainAbbie, even in September

Mornings can be a bit of a challenge – jolted awake by the focus of all our love, manage the needs, stumble to find the coffee, careen among the dishes as you wake. choices – sit and enjoy or – crap – remember you have THINGS TO DO, STUFF TO LOOK AT … so, yes, paid ONE invoice – go me!
“it’s early” says Gabriel, after he spins ‘What’s Going On” by Marvin Gaye.
//08:57a – “Can’t Stop Me” by Kev Choice feat. Jenn Johns, as spun by Gabriel on keXp’s ‘Early’ show//
//04:02p+22Sep20 = Tuesday afternoon – “Two-Headed Boy” from Neutral Milk Hotel, from Cheryl’s closing of her shift on Good Mail Day at keXp – what a great song!//
grand jury for Breona in Louisville. the roar is gonna be deafening… when there is little to hold back for – to prove your civility, say, or your willingness to compromise or bargain; if those are pointless uses of your time perhaps the next course of action is to clear the playing table and begin again; radical progression. Change the system that is inherently broken or bad or corrupt. Really – why the fuck not?
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//07:55a+21Sep20 = Tuesday, apparently fall? || Good Mail Day starts at keXp with Gabriel, but Brijean’s Moody was what I heard as i started today so there!//
Oooh- painterly, esp at sunset. ♥️